Looks like G B Shaw wasn't the source of your quote. See https://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/08/31/illusion/.

However, this is the same message:

The great enemy of communication, we find, is the illusion of it. | William Whyte, Is Anybody Listening?

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ha. Maybe.

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Love the presence stuff Bruce!! I just started an HR role in a port, and it's really hard to develop the culture when workers don't socialise with each other anymore. Pre-pandemic they would meet together before shifts, but now they get notified by text. I've only worked in white collar companies before so this is really going to turn everything I know upside down to see how I can make things better/attractive to potential candidates.

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yes, the data on slide 22 is specifically about that. Workers who didn't talk or socialise ended up hating their jobs and leaving.

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